目的 采用逼近于理想值的排序法(TOPSIS)综合评价法,优选小儿健脾温通贴的制剂工艺。方法 以色泽、均匀性、皮肤追随性、剥离强度等为质量评价指标,并赋以相应的权重,采用TOPSIS综合评价法进行评分;对8篇代表性文献进行复制,筛选凝胶贴膏基质的种类与制法;采用单因素试验结合TOPSIS综合评价法,优选贴膏的处方用量,并对其进行验证性试验。结果 小儿健脾温通贴的最佳处方为明胶-聚乙烯吡咯烷酮K-30-聚丙烯酸钠-甘油-氮酮-干膏粉-挥发油=2:1:2.5:12:1:1:0.234(m/m)。结论 以最优处方基质配比制备的凝胶贴膏,外观均匀,剥离强度适宜,成形性优,稳定性好。
OBJECTIVE To screen the preparation technology of Xiaoerjianpiwentong plaster using the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(TOPSIS) comprehensive evaluation method. METHODS Using color, uniformity, adhesive ability, and peeling strength as the quality control indexes with different weighting factors, plasters of different prescriptions were scored by the TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation method. Experiments were conducted to repeat eight representative literatures to select the matrix and preparation process for the gel plaster. Single factor experiment was performed in combination with TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation method to select the best composition of prescription, and verification tests were conducted. RESULTS The best prescription of Xiaoerjianpiwentong plaster was as follows: gelatin-polyvinyl pyrrolidone K30 (PVP K30)-sodium polyacrylate-glycerol-laurocapram-extract powder-volatile oil=2:1:2.5:12:1:1:0.234 (m/m). CONCLUSION The best composition of prescription of Xiaoerjianpiwentong plaster is determined. The plaster not only has good appearance and peeling strength, but also has stable quality and formability.
逼近于理想值的排序法 /
综合评价 /
凝胶贴膏 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
comprehensive evaluation /
gel plaster /
preparation technology
{{custom_keyword}} /
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